Monday, February 20, 2012

Ltrim + Rtrim

How do i remove carriage returns in SQL Server ? each of the lines have a carriage return as well as in front and back of the text.

Keith Waltin

Transport Ticketing Authority

03 9651 9066

I've tried the

update test.dbo.test
set bodytext1 = ltrim(rtrim(bodytext1))

but the whitespace/carriage returns still exists in the back and front of the text ? Anyone got any ideas ?The Ltrim() and RTrim() functions work on space characters (ASCII 32, Hex 0x20) only. They don't have any effect on other whitespace.

I'd write a UDF ( to remove whatever characters you find offensive, according to your processing rules.

-PatP|||declare char(1), @.lf char(1), @.crlf char(2), char(1)
select = char(13), @.lf = char(10), = char(32)
update test.dbo.test
set bodytext1 = replace(replace(replace(bodytext1,, ''), @.lf, ''),, '')
where (
charindex(, bodytext1) > 0 or
charindex(@.lf, bodytext1) > 0 or
charindex(, bodytext1) > 0

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